UK a cappella groups

Scripture Says

Rehearsal venue city: Hertford & Preston
Description: In the year 2012 the acappella group 'Scripture Says' was formed. A Group consisting of four members, who we believe were brought together by God and are dedicated to ministering through the gift of music!.
Un-aided by any musical instruments but purely through the natural voices God had created us with we are constantly trying to perfect every song we sing for the glory of God. We chose the name 'Scripture Says as it reflects what we are aiming to do which is to spread the word of Christ. Following the text in Hebrews 4:12 which says : For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharp
Rehearsal day:
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
Voice parts: Mixed voices
Are you always a cappella?: Yes
How do you learn new music?:
  • Ear
Looking for new members?: No
Photo: img-20190520-wa0005
Located in: Gospel