UK a cappella groups

Vale Connection

Rehearsal venue: St Mary and St Egwin Community Centre
Rehearsal venue street: High Street
Rehearsal venue city: Evesham
Rehearsal venue postcode: WR11 4EJ
Name of your conductor / musical director: Amanda Ballard
Phone: 07976 478884
Description: Vale Connection is a ladies a cappella chorus which was started in Evesham in 1994 by a small, but perfectly formed, group of 10 ladies who shared a passion for singing. 24 years later, we're still singing - and still growing!
Rehearsal day:
  • Thursday
Rehearsal start time: 7:30pm
Voice parts: Female voices only
Are you always a cappella?: Yes
How do you learn new music?:
  • Teach tracks
  • Ear
  • Music