UK a cappella groups
Special Blend
Rehearsal venue city: Derby
Contact Person: Ron Morris
Phone: 01773 605138
Description: Special Blend (or The Blenders, as we are known in Barbershop circles), was formed about 10 years ago, from members of the Major Oak Chorus We are one of a very select quartets that features three brothers. The quartet is highly experienced in entertaining audiences of all sizes, from a small intimate family gathering, to weddings, shows at larger venues i.e the Albert Hall (Nottingham), Nottingham University, Sheffield and Derby Cathedrals, churches, pubs, hospitals and hospices and pretty much everything in between.
Rehearsal day:
- Saturday
Rehearsal start time: 1pm to 4pm
Voice parts: Male voices only
Are you always a cappella?: Yes
Located in: Barbershop