Groups, particularly the larger ones, would be well advised to carry out some form of “risk analysis” (sorry for the jargon!) based on whatever situations they may find themselves in, eg at rehearsals , at performances (home or away), travelling in the UK, or abroad. If they have equipment, like choral risers or mikes and amplifiers/mixers, there is the risk of theft as well as the possibility of greater exposure to danger, like falling off the risers or electrocution!

Groups should then ask themselves whether they have adequate insurance cover for the “worst case scenarios.” A lot of “what ifs?” need to be considered.

If mounting their own concert or show in hired premises, it is quite likely that the hirer will require the Group to show a certificate of insurance before accepting the hire. Sing A Cappella! has already met this, with its workshops.

Insurance cover can be obtained for risks such as:-

  • Material Damage  (eg to property, including items on short term loan or hire.)
  • Theft
  • Public Liability Insurance (typically for £5M)
  • Personal Accident   (cover for Group members for death, disablement etc)
  • Loss of Money in a variety of circumstances/ amounts
  • Abandonment   (eg of a concert – but not because of the lack of public support!)

The Sing A Cappella team experience is that insurance cover is most cheaply obtained by joining Making  Music ( ) and obtaining cover from their insurers. The MM website gives full detail of the cover available, but in their Members Area after you have joined! There are very few policies around designed particularly for the needs of singing groups, but this one is.  

One member group of under 30 singers is paying £54 in subs to Making Music plus £26 to its insurers  in premiums, at 2010 rates, to give you an idea of costs. An alternative is the National Association of Choirs ( which offers a similar scheme to members (annual membership fee £54 in 2019).

If you are insured at better rates than these – do please let us know about it so that we can pass on the good news to others here! Please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it...


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